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Why is sauna honey so good to your skin?

Beneficial features of sauna honey

Outer layers of the skin are renewed less and less frequently as we get older, as a result of which the skin is no longer able to properly fulfill its functions and the skin ages. The ability to regenerate, i.e. restore the skin cells quickly, is what makes young skin firm and resilient. Sauna honey helps to open the pores and increases sweat secretion, which is accompanied by cleansing of the body and renewal of the skin. The procedures involving honey alleviate inflammatory processes of the skin and accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions. Sauna honey also alleviates back and joint pains.

How to use sauna honey?

There are two main methods of use: the honey is rubbed on the skin in the steam room or after being in the steam room. In the former case, go to the steam room and wait until the pores of the skin have opened and the sweating has begun. Take the honey with you and place it near the hot stones to allow it to warm. Rinse the sweat off your skin with warm water and start rubbing the honey on your skin. The honey absorbs well at high temperatures, but you should still wait for 5-10 minutes after applying the honey for it to absorb completely. Then rinse the residues of the honey off, but do not use soaps and other bath products! The procedure with honey makes the skin soft and resilient and supplies it with vitamins and other beneficial substances.  

The peculiarity of the other method of use of sauna honey is its amazing ability to rejuvenate and vitalize the skin and to make it silky soft. The honey is only rubbed on the skin when the user has been in the steam room several times. While in the steam room, place the jar with honey on the sauna platform for the honey to warm. After being in the steam room, rub your skin with a coarse towel and apply the honey on the skin with massaging gestures.

In order to cleanse the skin even more efficiently and remove dead skin cells, use a mixture of honey and salt which has an exfoliating effect. Before using the exfoliating mixture, you should properly use the steam room. Go to the steam room several times and then apply the mixture on your skin with circular, massaging gestures. When the honey has absorbed into the skin, rinse your body with water. Then, you can use a nutritious cream as well. After such procedure there is no need to exfoliate your skin for a long while!

100% Natural Sauna Honey by ExpertSauna. Made from Estonian honey.
Ingredients: natural honey, essential oils, wheat germ oil, olive oil, salt (only in the exfoliating mixture)
Storage time: indicated on the label
Do not use if allergic to honey!

Check out the collection of 100% natural sauna honey by ExpertSauna.